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Goals in Therapy: Big vs Small

Uncover the key goals in therapy and how they can help you achieve personal growth. Learn about setting and reaching meaningful objectives for mental health improvement.

How the News can be a Source of Depression

In our modern era, the flow of information is unending, with news updates available 24/7 through various media outlines and digital platforms. While this can keep us well-informed about global events, it also exposes us to a continuous stream of often negative and distressing news.

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How to Set Therapy Goals: A Guide to Meaningful Change

How to Set Therapy Goals: A Guide to Meaningful Change

Therapy can be a very powerful tool for personal growth and positive change. But like any worthwhile endeavor, you might benefit from having a clear direction in mind when undergoing therapy. This is where setting therapy goals comes in! What are therapy goals?...

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How a Worried Mind can Prevent a Good Night’s Sleep

Do you ever lie awake at night, replaying worries and stressors from your day? Do you wake up feeling exhausted? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Many people struggle with the frustrating combination of a racing mind and restless body when trying to sleep at night....

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What is Stress and How to Reduce it?

How many times per day do you hear the word “stress”? It’s a familiar word for most of us, used so often in so many different contexts that its true impact is sometimes dismissed. In reality, stress is far more than just the feeling of being overwhelmed. It’s a...

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Couples Counseling Can be Healing for a Relationship

Couples Counseling Can be Healing for a Relationship

Relationships can be a complicated journey– and along this journey, couples inevitably face challenges that can strain their connection. Couples counseling might be a scary prospect to some, but it is in fact a reliable source of support, offering couples practical...

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Ways That Therapy Can Help Those Who Are Overwhelmed

Life can often be overwhelming– we probably don’t have to tell you that! But when it does, seeking support is a commendable sign of strength, not weakness. Therapy offers a safe and constructive space for individuals who are feeling overwhelmed to find relief and gain...

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How Therapy Can Help Men’s Mental Health

Men face unique challenges when it comes to addressing their mental health. The world seems to emphasize the importance of stoicism and self-reliance for men, which means that the stigma surrounding mental health issues can be particularly pronounced for them. Despite...

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How Forgiveness is Important in Healing

Forgiveness is a challenging act, but it’s also profound– and it can make a big difference in the journey toward healing. While you aren’t obligated to forgive anyone or anything, it might be beneficial to understand the emotional and psychological benefits that...

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Ways That Self-Love and Self-Compassion Help Healing

Healing is a long journey. Self-love and self-compassion are two impactful parts of this journey that are too-often overlooked– but cultivating these qualities can contribute to overall wellbeing and emotional recovery, fostering a transformative journey toward...

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How to Set Boundaries to Prevent Further Emotional Harm

Setting boundaries is an essential practice for maintaining emotional safety and wellbeing, especially after experiencing emotional abuse. Understanding the principles of healthy boundaries, and learning how to implement them, can help you regain control of your...

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Practices That Promote Emotional Healing

Most of us have experienced some kind of emotional trauma in our lives. This means that just about everyone can benefit from emotional healing; emotional healing is an essential aspect of overall wellbeing. It can help us address past wounds, manage stress, and foster...

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Why am I waking up at night?

Have you ever found yourself wide awake in the middle of the night, wondering why you can’t seem to stay asleep until morning? If you’re dealing with the frustration of waking up at night: don’t worry, you definitely aren’t alone– in fact, most people are likely to...

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Why Depression Can Be Caused by a Lack of Progress

Depression is a very complex, multifaceted mental health condition. There are plenty of factors that contribute to its development and persistence, or the level of difficulty you might face in trying to treat it. While there isn’t just one single cause of depression,...

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The Correlation Between Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are two of the most prevalent mental health disorders globally, affecting millions of people each year. While they are distinct conditions with unique characteristics, they often coexist and interact in complex ways. Understanding the...

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How to Spot Depression in Teens

Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, including teenagers. Identifying and addressing depression in teenagers is crucial because it can have a significant impact on their well-being and future. In this blog, we...

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How creative expression can help heal from emotional pain

Creative expression can be a powerful tool for healing emotional pain as it allows you to channel and process your emotions in a constructive and therapeutic manner. Creative expression can be anything from writing in a journal, playing a musical instrument, painting...

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How to cope with emotional pain in a healthy way

When you're experiencing emotional pain, coping with difficult feelings in a healthy way is essential for your well-being. Here are some strategies to help you cope with emotional pain: Acknowledge Your Feelings: Allow yourself to feel and accept the emotions you are...

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Repairing relationships and trust

Repairing relationships and rebuilding trust takes time, effort, and commitment from all parties involved. Here are some steps to help you navigate the process: Reflect on the situation: Take some time to think about what went wrong and your role in it. Be honest with...

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The impact of emotional wounds in our lives

Emotional wounds can have significant and far-reaching impacts on our lives. These wounds can be caused by various traumatic or distressing experiences, such as childhood abuse, neglect, loss of a loved one, betrayal, or any event that leads to deep emotional pain and...

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How to change negative thought patterns

Changing negative thought patterns can be challenging, but it is definitely possible with consistent effort and practice. Here are some strategies that can help you shift your negative thought patterns: Awareness and mindfulness: The first step in changing negative...

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Reasons why forgiving yourself is important

Forgiving yourself is an essential aspect of personal growth and well-being. Here are several reasons why forgiving yourself is important: Emotional Healing: Self-forgiveness allows you to release feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame, which can be emotionally...

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Fifteen depression symptoms to watch out for

If you or someone you care about isn’t feeling well mentally, and it’s affecting the normal activities of daily living, it might be more than just a case of the blues. Having symptoms of depression can indicate that a larger mental health issue is at play. Depression...

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What Causes Bipolar Depression?

Bipolar depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In the past, it was referred to as “manic depression”– but that term is now outdated and stigmatized. This condition is characterized by alternating periods of depression and...

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Anger management tips

Sometimes the day-to-day challenges of life can be frustrating. You can find yourself becoming overwhelmed, annoyed, or even downright furious. Having uncontrollable feelings of anger and rage can be scary and uncomfortable to experience, and when you act out of...

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Signs of postpartum depression

Starting or growing a family by having a child is an intense experience, full of strong emotions, big life changes, and long term commitments which can be intimidating or even overwhelming. It is normal to feel tired when you have a new baby, but it is important to...

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How to reduce the stress of holiday preparations

Preparing for holidays can cause many of us to go into a whirlwind of activity and, sometimes, even anxiety. This stress can eat at us and rob us of the joy that holidays are meant to bring. In order to have a nice holiday with your family and friends, you may want to...

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Ways to keep the mood up during cloudy days

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that can affect you during certain times of the year. Despite the stigma that some people feel when they experience symptoms of depression, it is not unusual–or totally inevitable–to feel down when you haven’t seen...

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How to prioritize your mental health

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that typically affects people during the fall, winter, and early spring months of the year. This is a condition which, because it occurs on a fairly predictable schedule, can be reasonably managed and possibly...

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Learn more about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that typically affects people during the fall, winter, and early spring months of the year. This is a condition which, because it occurs on a fairly predictable schedule, can be reasonably managed and possibly...

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How to stop feeling overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed can be, well, overwhelming. It can take over your life and seem very difficult to suppress. Feeling overwhelmed can bring up other uncomfortable feelings such as helplessness, anxiety, pessimism, and low self-esteem. It can even push you to feeling...

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Keeping a balance between work and life

Nearly everyone has to work to make a living. You might find yourself struggling with keeping a balance between work and life. When you’re stressed out at work, it’s easy for those issues to consume your thoughts–even when you are off the clock. Sometimes, personal...

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Ways to stop feeling insecure

Insecurity is a lack of confidence that makes you question your abilities as a person. It can affect your self-esteem and your self-worth. If you’re dealing with a long-lasting feeling of uncertainty, discomfort, or unsureness you’re probably struggling with...

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What you can do to reduce stress

We all experience stress from time to time in life. Sometimes, stressors cannot be avoided, so the stress we experience must be managed properly so that we can avoid serious health consequences. High stress levels can cause sleep disruption, poor health functioning, a...

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How to tune out from distractions

In today’s busy modern society, distractions are everywhere. Due to the constant streams of breaking news, information about any topic you can search on the internet, cell phones and pinging text messages, and social media that surround our daily lives, it is too easy...

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Starting a conversation in a calm way

In any relationship, communication is one of the most important aspects of conflict resolution. But for communication to be effective, emotional intelligence is key. Starting a conversation in a calm way is a critical first step on the path to effective communication....

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Breaking habits that take tolls on your mental health

There are a lot of habits people slip into that aren't conducive to positive mental health. A habit can be something someone is doing or not doing physically, like not getting enough sleep, smoking, or overusing social media. It can also be something someone feels...

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Keeping Past Memories From Affecting Your Life

Almost everyone has something that happened in the past affecting their present. Maybe they did something that continues to haunt them. Maybe someone did something to them that continues to hurt them. If memories from your past are affecting your day to day life,...

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Turning off from the news after a long day

After a day of work, running errands, and taking care of the kids, you want to relax. It's hard to get that relaxation in when there are so many things going on in the world that aren't conducive to your happiness. With news stories about pandemics, murders, wars, and...

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Ways to keep your mood up

Sometimes life can be stressful. Events that happen over the course of the day can put you into a bad mood. When you start feeling down, there are several things you can do to improve that mood. Get some exercise: Some people tense up when they hear the word exercise,...

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Know How to Take a Break from Social Media

Social media has given us the opportunity to stay more connected than ever before. This is good for us in many ways, but this constant interconnectedness poses some serious risks to our mental and physical well beings. In excess, social media use can lead to feelings...

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Preventing Burnout

“Burnout” is an unofficial term used to describe a state of physical or mental exhaustion brought on by chronic exposure to stress. Feelings of burnout can leave us feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unmotivated. It is completely normal to experience...

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