What It Is and Common Questions
Intensive Sessions
Chenal Family Therapy, PLC offers intensive therapy for individuals, couples or families in crisis, which may include addiction issues, infidelity or betrayal issues, grief/bereavement or trauma. Intensive therapy includes meeting with one or two therapists for anywhere from two or more hours per day as a one time event or for several days in a row, such as a weekend. Depending upon the need, these intensives can happen at many of our office locations or on location elsewhere with prior arrangements. Intensive therapy aims to gently but powerfully intervene in situations that feel extremely chaotic and out of control, in the life of an individual or a relationship. Intensive therapy sessions may be recommended by clinicians when a client experiences a level of stress or crisis that can be difficult to manage in a 1-hour session. Many CFT clinicians across the state are experienced with intensive therapy. Contact our scheduling team to explore this option further.

Commonly Asked Questions
What type of issues can be addressed in an intensive?
The most common issues we see in intensive therapy have to do with the recent discovery of an affair, damaged relationships between a parent and adult child, or unresolved grief or loss. Resolving traumas is another frequent issue addressed through intensives, as some clients may benefit from spending longer periods of time addressing trauma over a fewer number of visits.
What happens in an Intensive?
One of our trained therapists will help you assess the situation, clarify the issues, uncover the root of the problems, and chart a course to health. This is done by meeting with clients for 10-15 hours over a 2-3 day period. The amount of time required for an intensive is based upon a clinician’s recommendation, and this is agreed upon prior to scheduling.
How is an intensive than different regular therapy?
Unfortunately, therapy that occurs for 1 hour per week often doesn’t address issues quick enough to avoid further crisis. Whether a 3 hour session or 10-15 hours over 2-3 days, we attempt to accomplish what would often be accomplished over the course of months in traditional therapy.
Are intensives confidential?
Yes! Unlike a “retreat,” your intensive services are private. Our staff will be the only ones that have any knowledge of your intensive and your therapist will be the only one with knowledge of the actual issues discussed.
How much do they cost? Does insurance cover any of the cost?
Intensive sessions may not be covered by your insurance, however the additional cost can be a strong investment in your treatment progress. While these sessions may not be cheap, we’d argue that they are far less costly than a divorce, a failed business partnership, or a family crisis that worsens over time. Our intensive range widely in price depending on the location and length, the therapist you use, and whether or not we provide housing during your intensive. After contacting our scheduling team or speaking with one of our clinicians about scheduling an intensive session, our Insurance and Billing departments will work with you to identify what, if any, portion of your intensive session is covered by insurance and what portion would be self-pay. For reference, intensive sessions can begin as low as $500 for a half-day to as much as $10,000 for a week with our most senior therapists.
Where do you hold intensives?
Chenal Family Therapy, PLC can provide an intensive virtually anywhere in the state depending on your needs. In addition to holding intensives at one of our Arkansas locations, we can arrange to provide intensives around the state in places such as Little Rock, Hot Springs, Fayetteville, Ft. Smith, and Jonesboro. If an intensive session is scheduled at a location other than our office, we typically utilize a private hotel hospitality suite and also arrange for overnight accommodations for you at that same location.
SPP is a subset of Chenal Family Therapy, PLC, ACEP Provider Number: 7233