Katherine Lowry, QBHP
(Qualified Behavioral Health Provider, Compact and Lakeside Schools Site Coordinator)
As a Qualified Behavioral Health Paraprofessional of 22 years, I have a passion to empower clients to improve their day-to-day functionality by reducing stressors and increasing their ability to focus on their treatment goals. I strive to encourage client compliance with the treatment the therapist and physicians are providing by being a liaison between the client, school, family, and therapist. I provide clinical interventions to reinforce, practice, and model therapeutic techniques and treatments with my clients. I take pride in establishing positive relationships with clients, family, and their support networks by conducting regular sessions where I model stability, compassion, and a positive attitude. My passion for children and their wellbeing overflows into my personal life where I love to volunteer in the children’s department at church and at my own children’s school.

SPP is a subset of Chenal Family Therapy, PLC, ACEP Provider Number: 7233