Lo que ofrecemos

Servicios de prueba

Our Licensed Psychological Examiners and Psychologists charge a standard rate of $250 per hour for all testing, assessment, interviewing, and review of results. The actual cost of a completed assessment will vary depending on the time spent on each individual client and their unique situation. Payment plans are available for non-insurance clients needing financial assistance.

How does testing work?

It begins with a 2 hour, in-person Intake Appointment. If the client is a minor (less than 18 years old) the parent(s) or caregiver(s) is required to be present with the client.

The total number of sessions needed for testing will be determined during the Intake Appointment. You can expect it to require 2-6+ hours of testing, depending on the type of testing. This is not able to be determined prior to the Intake Appointment. The 2-6+ hours will more than likely be split into a series of different, in-person sessions.

Once testing is complete, it will take an additional 6-7 billable hours for the clinician to complete the scoring and report writing.

The final session, a Feedback Session, is a 1 hour appointment with the client (as well as the parent(s) or caregiver(s) of a minor client). The clinician will provide verbal results and recommendations. It is possible for this appointment to be completed via Zoom IF your insurance allows.

Clinicians who provide testing services at Chenal Family Therapy, PLC are:

Maureen Ryan-McGehee, Clinton Clinical Director, LPE-I – Clinton office


(2-4 horas de tiempo de prueba)

A comprehensive evaluation that combines a review of existing psychological records, individual testing with our LPE or psychologist, and third-party input (children only). Your completed evaluation includes a detailed report, including diagnostic impressions and recommendations. Pricing starts at $950 for non-insurance clients.

Pruebas de coeficiente intelectual

(2 horas de tiempo de prueba)

Prueba independiente para determinar la puntuación de coeficiente intelectual a gran escala y un informe estandarizado que explica los resultados. El precio comienza en $700 (generalmente no está cubierto por el seguro).

Detección de autismo

(2-4 horas de tiempo de prueba)

Una evaluación integral que combina una revisión de los registros académicos y psicológicos existentes, pruebas individuales con nuestro LPE o psicólogo y aportes de terceros (incluye aportes de compañeros, cónyuges y padres). Su evaluación completa incluye un informe de 5 a 10 páginas que incluye impresiones de diagnóstico y recomendaciones. El precio comienza en $950 para clientes que no tienen seguro.

Discapacidad de aprendizaje/Aclaraciones de diagnóstico

(2-5 horas de tiempo de prueba)

A comprehensive evaluation including assessing ability and achievement, ruling out of other potential diagnoses that would affect learning, a review of existing academic and psychological records as well as any previous testing, face-to-face testing with an LPE or psychologist, and third-party input as needed. Your completed evaluation includes a detailed report including diagnostic impressions and recommendations and a feedback session to review the report. Pricing starts at $950 for non-insurance clients.

Evaluación previa a la cirugía bariátrica

(2 horas de tiempo de prueba)

Standard evaluation to determine if the client is psychologically ready to undergo bariatric weight loss surgery. A report provided to the candidate and the client’s doctor upon completion. Pricing starts at $500 for non-insurance clients.


(1 hora de tiempo de prueba)

Evaluación psicológica para ayudar a los empleadores a identificar problemas de personalidad problemáticos en los candidatos. Ideal para funciones de primeros auxilios como policía, bomberos y militares. El precio comienza en $700 (generalmente no está cubierto por el seguro).

Evaluación de carrera

(1 hora de tiempo de prueba)

Ideal para adultos jóvenes y profesionales en la mitad de su carrera que intentan identificar trayectorias académicas y profesionales mediante la identificación de fortalezas, áreas de interés y coincidencias de campos profesionales. El precio comienza en $500 (generalmente no está cubierto por el seguro).

Donante de terceros o reproducción de terceros

(1 hora de tiempo de prueba)

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