Consejería individual y talleres de día completo

Control de la ira

Nuestros pasos

At Chenal Family Therapy, we recognize that anger management is more complex than simply “learning to control your emotions.” Anger is a valid emotion and we believe that acknowledging both our human tendency to experience anger, as well as our right to get angry over legitimate complaints, is crucial to not acting angry.

Our anger management services are meant to help accomplish three things that will lead to greater harmony, peace, and safety with the people around our clients. Specifically, we focus heavily on:



Aprender a elegir mejor las relaciones y situaciones que no provocan un enfado legítimo.



Fortalecer la capacidad de una persona para discernir entre la ira racional y la irracional. 



Adquirir habilidades para navegar adecuadamente el enojo cuando ocurre, para que su enojo no empeore la situación.

 Nuestros Programas

We offer anger management services through individual therapy services, and on occasion we will offer anger management intensive sessions involving between 8-12 hours of therapeutic work. Our clinicians have access to a workbook that meets Federal standards for anger management curriculum, in addition to their own therapeutic training.

Individual Anger Management Sessions are arguably the most effective approach, since the therapist’s full attention is given to one individual, their triggers, and their personal history with anger. It is typically completed over 8-12 weeks and may be covered by insurance. This provides the highest level of confidentiality since no one besides our staff needs to be aware that you’re receiving services.

El formato que elija depende en gran medida de su presupuesto individual y de la rapidez con la que necesite completar el trabajo (si se encuentra dentro de una fecha límite judicial). Ambos dan como resultado un certificado de finalización al completar con éxito.

Detalles adicionales:

  • Diseñado para corte, empleador, angustia de relación o superación personal.

  • El curso es un programa reconocido a nivel nacional.

  • Certificado de manejo de la ira ordenado por un tribunal proporcionado a los participantes

  • Participants must make 80% or higher on final test to receive a letter indicating they have completed the anger management material

  • Consejería disponible para los familiares de los participantes

  • One-on-One Anger Management offerings scheduled based upon need following an intake evaluation with one of our licensed clinicians.
