Overcoming Negativity: Strategies to Reframe Your Thoughts

Sep 3, 2024 | Blog

We’ve all been there. Life feels like it isn’t going our way, or maybe we just feel down in the dumps about ourselves and the things happening around us. It is easy to fall into a negative mindset sometimes, especially when life is in one of its hardest seasons.

Though it is common to feel this way, it doesn’t have to dictate how you feel or what you do. Learning to reframe your thoughts and overcome negativity may be hard, but it will be one of the best things you can learn how to do. Take back your mental health with these strategies to overcome negativity.

Overcoming Negativity: Strategies to Reframe Your Thoughts

What Exactly is Negative Thinking?

Negative mindsets and thought processes involve negative perceptions, expectations and attributions about ourselves, other people, and the world around us.  Stress can bring on a negative mindset, especially when it feels like nothing is going our way.

However, prolonged time spent in a negative mindset can lead to negative emotional and physical effects. People often experience anxiety and depression as a result of negative mindsets.

How You Can Overcome Negativity

Identify the Negative Thoughts

Let’s start with the basics. Sometimes it’s hard to notice when you’re falling into a negative mindset. Your therapist at Chenal Family Therapy can help you implement strategies to identify when negative thoughts are taking place.

Take Time to Reflect 

It can be beneficial to step back and to take a break when you feel a negative thought coming on. If you’re able, when you’re in a negative mindset, take a step back and breathe. This can allow for you to calm down and to reframe your thought process.

how to overcome negativity

Reframe Your Thought Process

But how do you reframe your thought process? It starts with finding the positives in your situation. If your day is downright sour, was there anything good that happened? If not, what can you do to make something good happen? Let the bar be low. Anything good is better than nothing at all. If the only good thing that happened today was a sweet treat or an early bedtime, then so be it.  Embrace the positives.

By finding ways to rework your situation or at the very least reframe the way you think about it, you can use these moments as learning opportunities. We are all worthy of improvement. We are all worthy of a healthier mindset. 

In times where it feels like everyone and everything is out to get you, try considering alternative explanations. Rather than thinking that you aren’t able to do anything correctly, consider the fact that you are human, and that everyone makes mistakes. Give yourself room for forgiveness, and find ways to uplift yourself. Consider what you’re good at and what you enjoy. 

For every negative thought, find a realistic or positive counter thought. Don’t allow the negative to outway the neutral and good. 

If you have questions about reframing a negative mindset, therapy might be for you. To learn more about Chenal Family Therapy, visit our services page
